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How to Run an Effective Parents/Guardian Meeting for Coaches


Make sure your team experiences a positive and successful season by getting everyone involved on the same page from the very start. Avoid parent/coach conflict, and instead become a powerful force of encouragement and support by working together. As a coach, it's your responsibility to take the lead in these relationships and to set behavioral standards. Let them know that yelling on the sidelines won't be tolerated and that the problem of parents will be addressed. This is best done in a pre-season meeting between the coaching staff and parents before the first practice so that everyone fully understands the season's expectations ahead of time.

There are several things to focus on when leading this meeting. In addition to simply introducing yourself to the parents, coaches should outline their coaching philosophy and goals for the season. This is a good time to hear from parents about what they hope to get out of the season for their kids and to make sure their goals align with yours.

The pre-season parent meeting also is a good time to deal with season logistics such as schedules, equipment, and volunteer needs. Parents play an important role in making sure their kids arrive on time, get enough sleep, and have the right equipment.

This agenda will guide your meeting. Use it as a reference to ensure you’ve touched upon all critical discussion points prior to the start of the season.