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The Top 10 Reasons Players Don't Report a Concussion

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A negative concussion culture is a team environment where athletes don't feel comfortable talking about concussions. This can prevent athletes from reporting possible concussions to a coach, athletic trainer, or team physician.

A recent study found the top ten reasons why athletes don't report possible concussions. Read the factors that create a negative concussion culture ranked below, along with solutions you can implement to make sure your athletes know what is expected of them. As a team leader, you have the power to set a positive concussion culture, starting with the Team Up Speak Up Speech.

I didn't think it was serious

Treat concessions more seriously than we would treat a broken arm or a broken leg. Brain injuries are serious. Brains don't heal like limbs do.

I didn't want to lose playing time

Explain that the best way to keep playing time is to make a full recovery and the best way to do that is to immediately stop playing after a concussion.

I didn't want to let my team down

Commend players who report concussion for their bravery and teamwork.

I didn't know at the time it was a concussion

Educate players on the signs and symptoms of a concussion and encourage teammates to look out for signs during games and practices.

I didn't want to have to go to the doctor

Inform your team that seeing a mdecail professional is key to recovering from a concussion.

It was the end of the season; I didn't want to miss a game

Stress that long-term health is much more important than any one game or season.

I thought my coach would think I'm weak

Tell athletes that reporting concussions is tough, smart, and courageous thing to do. Coaches set the team culture.

I thought my teammates would think I'm weak

Involve the entire team in the messaging about the seriousness of concussions. Athletes should know that there is no such thing as a tough brain.

I thought my coach would get mad

Praise earnest concussion reporting. Never punish or doubt an athlete with a concussion and keep athletes thinking positively in their recovery.

My team was going to the playoffs when it happened

Emphasize that long-term health is more important than the results of the game or seasonn.